Traffic Violations

Lynnwood Traffic Violation Lawyer

Defending Drivers Throughout the Puget Sound Area

While many traffic violations are nothing more than a minor annoyance, criminal traffic violations can have severe consequences on your life, extending far beyond an increase in insurance premiums. Furthermore, if you are a commercial driver, even a single criminal violation can put your job in jeopardy. If you are facing criminal traffic violation charges, it is important to consult with a defense attorney to understand your legal options.

At McAvoy Law, PLLC, we provide aggressive defense representation for drivers facing criminal traffic violation charges. We understand the potential consequences you are facing and will work to minimize the impact of the charges on your life. 

Contact us online or call (425) 374-0761 to schedule a consultation with our traffic violations lawyer in Lynnwood.

Aggressive Defense Against All Traffic Violation Charges

Criminal traffic violations differ primarily from civil traffic violations in severity and potential consequences. While civil traffic violations usually result in fines and points on your driving record, criminal traffic violations can lead to more serious penalties, including jail time, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record. Additionally, criminal offenses may require a court appearance and can significantly impact your employment, particularly for commercial drivers.

Our firm is experienced in defending drivers against all types of criminal traffic violation charges, including:

We aim to minimize the impact of a traffic violation charge on your driving record and insurance premiums. In some cases, this may be possible by negotiating a plea agreement with the prosecutor. In other cases, taking the case to trial may be necessary. We will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

What to Do If You Are Charged with a Criminal Traffic Violation

If you are charged with a criminal traffic violation, we encourage you to act swiftly to protect your rights and minimize the potential consequences. 

Three key steps to take if facing criminal traffic charges in Lynnwood: 

  1. Contact a qualified defense attorney (like ours at McAvoy Law, PLLC immediately.
  2. Avoid making any statements to law enforcement without your lawyer present.
  3. Collect and organize any evidence or documents related to the incident.

Criminal traffic charges, especially felony traffic violations, can have a long-lasting impact on your personal and professional life. An experienced attorney like ours can help you understand the charges brought against you. We know this is an incredibly stressful time, but the more informed you are, the more confidently you can move through the process. 

Why Choose Our Firm?

Facing criminal traffic violation charges can be incredibly overwhelming. You don’t have to go through this alone. Attorney Kimberly McAvoy brings years of experience representing individuals accused of such violations in Lynnwood and beyond. Our firm deeply understands the challenges you face and the high stakes involved. As such, we are dedicated to providing meticulous representation, leaving no avenue unexplored as we seek a resolution to your case. With our knowledgeable and experienced team by your side, you gain a strong advocate committed to protecting your rights.

Our Lynnwood traffic violations lawyer can guide you through the entire process. Call (425) 374-0761 or message us online to get started.

What Sets Us Apart

  • Personalized & Caring Approach
  • Formerly Worked in a Prosecutors Office
  • Same Day Appointments Available
  • Free 30 Minute Consultation